DEI Center’s Library

DEI 知る・学ぶ 

DEI Center allows visitors to check out titles from its collection of gender-related books. To search for certain works, use the Tohoku University Library website.

Eligible users

  1. TU board members and employees
  2. TU emeritus professors, researchers, trainees, part-time lecturers, etc.
  3. TU students (including research students, credited auditors, etc.)
  4. Non-TU members who have requested permission to use the Center


The DEI library is open 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday to Friday. Closings due to administrative reasons may occur from time to time. Please call TUMUG (022-217-6092) before visiting to use the library.

Browsing & loans


Materials in the TUMUG archives cannot be checked out, but may be read in the library. All other items are kept in open stacks for free access. Please do your reading in the library seats.


Circulating materials may be borrowed by the users listed in 1–3 in “Eligible users” above. For details, please contact us.

Loan period Two weeks
Limit Five items for eligible users (1), two items for eligible users (2) and (3)
Check-out Fill out the book loan ledger and present ID.

Library guide (PDF) / Library rules (PDF) available only in Japanese