<TUMUG Events>33rd TUMUG Online Lunch Meeting(2024/7/11)

We’d like to inform you that we will have TUMUG 33rd online lunch meeting on July 11 (Thu.), 2024 (12:00 – 13:00).  

We encourage you to participate in the meeting and share your thoughts and ideas. 


For the 33rd meeting, four new faculty members will introduce themselves and their research.

We will have a discussion time to ask questions, share thoughts and concerns.

Date/time:  Thursday 11th July , 2024 ,12:00 – 13:00 *The day of the week has been changed

New Faculty for 2024 (Science) Self-Introduction and Research  

Utako Yamamoto / Associate Professor (Graduate School of Information Sciences)
Hiromi Uno / Associate Professor (Graduate School of Life Sciences)
Emi Kameoka  / Associate Professor (Graduate School of Agricultural  Science)
Hisako Sekine / Professor  (Graduate School of Agricultural  Science)

–Q&A and Discussion Time
You can ask questions, and share your thoughts and ideas.

For Inquiries:
Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tohoku University
tel: 022-217-6092
