








東北大学は、世界が大きな変革期を迎える中、本学が誇る多様な知を総結集し、現在のみならず未来の人類の幸福を目指して新たな価値の創造へ向けて挑戦し続けるために、以下の方針に基づき、多様性、公正性、包摂性(Diversity, Equity & Inclusion:DEI)を推進します。

  1. 東北大学は、ジェンダー・ギャップの解消のために、各分野における女性教職員や女子学生の比率を把握し、現状と女性活躍推進度の可視化に努めます。それを基に、女性教職員の積極的な採用や上位職への登用、若手の育成などを全学的に行い、ジェンダー・パリティを追求します。
  2. 東北大学は、様々な多様性を実現するために、全ての学生・教職員が、尊厳を認め、個性を尊重し、相互を理解して、学修・教育・研究・業務に専念できるようにします。そのために、性別、ジェンダー、性自認・性的指向、年齢、障がい、民族、国籍、宗教、信条などに関わる無意識のバイアスを払拭する啓発活動を実施し、意識改革を行います。
  3. 東北大学は、学内の調査・分析に基づき、全ての学生・教職員が各人の能力を最大限発揮できる公正性が保障された環境を提供し、多様な属性・個性を持つ構成員の誰もが歓迎、支援、評価される包摂性に富む組織を実現します。

Tohoku University Declaration of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

– Working towards diversity and equity in education, research and an inclusive work environment

Tohoku University has upheld the principles of “Open Doors,” “Research First” and “Practice Oriented Research and Education” since its establishment in 1907. Departing from the norms of the other imperial universities at the time, Tohoku University accepted graduates from technical schools, and in 1913, became Japan’s first university to accept female students. It was also one of the first universities in Japan to welcome international students.

Tohoku University led the nation with the establishment of a Committee for Gender Equality in 2001, and issued the “Tohoku University Declaration of Gender Equality” the following year. In 2013, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the admission of its first female students, the university published the “Tohoku University Gender Equality Policy,” which has served as the basis for subsequent activities.

Since then, the university has identified the following seven priorities to help achieve gender equality. They are: providing work-life balance support and improving environment conditions; nurturing female leaders; nurturing the female students; honoring the achievements of women;  facilitating local collaboration; promoting internationalization; and creating a support organization.

As a result of these efforts, from 2001 to 2021, the percentage of female doctoral students increased from 13.6% to 30.9%, and the percentage of female faculty members rose from 5.7% to 18.4%.

However, the ratio of female students and faculty members remains low compared to that of other universities in many parts of the world. There is a strict gender disparity in career paths not only at Tohoku University but in all of academia in Japan. We are, therefore, far from achieving gender parity of 1:1.

In 2021, the “Basic Policy on the Protection of Human Rights and the Prevention of Human Rights Violations at National University Corporation Tohoku University’ was formulated. Its goal is to eradicate “any acts of discrimination based on social status, lineage, race, creed, disability, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity; or any unjust discrimination based on any other reasoning, or any other act that is in violation of basic human rights” (the Basic Policy “3. Definition of Human Rights Violations”). However, respect for diversity is a work in progress.

Building on the various policies established thus far, the “Tohoku University Declaration of Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)” is a commitment to work towards diversity and equity in education and research. It is also a pledge to continue promoting awareness, domestically and internationally, and developing an inclusive environment with systems to ensure that diversity is respected by all members of the university.

Tohoku University will promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) based on the following:

  1. Tohoku University will study the ratios of female faculty members and female students in each field in order to close the gender gap; and strive to understand what is needed to better promote women’s activities. Based on information gathered, the university will pursue gender parity by actively recruiting qualified female faculty and university staff, promoting them to appropriate positions of higher responsibility, and training younger generations of female academics throughout the university.
  2. Tohoku University will ensure that all students, faculty and staff can devote themselves to their education, research and work with dignity, respect for individuality and mutual understanding. To this end, the university will conduct awareness activities to dispel unconscious biases related to gender, gender identity/sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, religion, creed.
  3. Tohoku University will provide an environment that guarantees equity, where all students, faculty and staff can feel comfortable and maximize their abilities freely. It also aims to be an inclusive institution where members with varying attributes and personalities are welcomed, supported and valued.